Webmaster:  Betty Jayne Volpe, bjvolpe@optonline.net

Social Security

Hands off Social Security!

Next week will provide several chances for retiree activists to show their support for Social Security and voice their opposition to cuts that will weaken the program. On Monday, March 28th at 12:30 pm, U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) will host a rally to protect Social Security. Senator Reid is the co-sponsor of legislation that would prohibit the U.S. Senate from making changes to Social Security unless a two-thirds majority approves them. Reid has said that the program “…is not in crisis at this stage. Leave Social Security alone.” The rally will take place on Capitol Hill, in Room SDG-50 of the Dirksen Senate Office Building.

 If you do not live near Washington DC, or if you are unable to attend the rally, you can still voice your opinion by participating in the “Hands off Social Security” national call-in days. On Tuesday, March 29th and Wednesday, March 30th, retiree activists from all over the country are asked to call their U.S. Senators to make sure they know retirees will not stand by and watch as the Senate tries to reduce or weaken Social Security. Dial 1-866-251-4044 and say, “Hands off Social Security! Vote YES on the Sanders-Reid Social Security Protection Amendment!”

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