Webmaster:  Betty Jayne Volpe, bjvolpe@optonline.net

Blog posts : "Health Care"

Medicare Part B Premiums

Premiums for Medicare Part B, including the Income Related Monthly Adjustment Amount (IRMAA), will not increase in 2015. The IRMAA for Medicare Part D (prescription drug) will increase slightly in 2015. For additional information concerning Medicare, members can access www.medicare.gov.

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Affordable Care Act

Affordable Care Act Will be a Boon for Early Retirees

The Affordable Care Act's insurance exchanges, set to open this October, are expected to make health insurance less costly and easier to obtain for early retirees.  Currently, many Americans who retire before 65 and are no longer insured through…

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Empire Plan Dual Membership

I just received this from the President of CORTLI.

Attention All.

I have some more information on the Changes to the Empire Plan for Public Employees, 
especially for couples with Family Coverage for both.  If one of those do not OPT OUT the plan will drop the coverage on the spouse with the longe…

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Medicare Rx and NYSUT

NYSHIP Empire Plan Medicare Rx change Jan. 1
NYSHIP Empire Plan retirees who have Medicare as their primary insurance will automatically be enrolled in a Part D Medicare prescription plan on Jan. 1, 2013, unless they cancel coverage. The co-pays and list of covered prescriptions will be the same or b…

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September is Healthy Aging Month

With September “Healthy Aging Month,” the National Eye Institute, part of the National Institute of Health, recommends patients over 50 talk to their eye doctors about yearly comprehensive dilated eye exams. Unlike a basic exam for glasses or contacts, a comprehensive dilated eye exam actually …

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Medicare Premium

Many emails are circulating as to the future premiums for Medicare, reporting (falsely) that premiums will be raised to $247 in 2014.  This is completely erroneous.  Medicare officials project the basic premium will be less than half that. But the law will eventually cause 14 % of seniors with incom…

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Senate Rejects Republicans Attempt

Senate Rejects Republican Attempt to Repeal the Health Care Law

On Wednesday, Republicans in the U.S. Senate tried to repeal the health care law, but the attempt was defeated, 51-47. All Democrats present voted to keep the law, while all Republicans present voted to repeal it. Two senators, Mark War…

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Health Care Repel Vote

After delaying a vote in the House of Representatives to repeal the health care reform law in the wake of the shootings in Tucson, the U.S. House Republican leadership announced on Thursday that the House will debate H.R. 2, the repeal bill, next Tuesday and Wednesday, January 18 and 19. The House w…

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Health Care Changes for 2011

Although not directly related to health care, this is important to know: Beginning on 1 May, all new Social Security beneficiaries will be required to accept paperless payments - that is, debit cards or direct deposit to bank accounts. The new requirement also affects …

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Long-Term Care Insurance

New enrollments in Long-Term Care Insurance to cease sometime in 2011

MetLife has announced that it will discontinue new enrollments in all of its long-term care insurance programs, including the one endorsed by NYSUT Member Benefits Trust, sometime during 2011. Exact dates have not yet been determi…

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Class Action Suit

Class Action Settlement between the American Medical Association and United Healthcare

On May 3, 2010, a  class action settlement between the American Medical Association (AMA) and United Healthcare (UHC) concerning Empire Plan members who received out-of-network medical services between March 15, 19…

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New Health Care Law

Did You Know…
A new survey sponsored by the National Council on Aging (NCOA) found that only 24% knew that the new health law will extend the solvency of Medicare, and only 14% were aware that the reforms are projected to cut deficit spending.

12 blog posts