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Multiple Pathways to Graduation

The public comment period for the new pathways to graduation for students in the arts, humanities, STEM and Career and Technical Education has begun and will end Dec. 20. Calling it a long overdue step in the right direction, NYSUT is asking members to submit comments in support of the move. Here's our news release <http://www.nysut.org/news/2014/october/regents-approval-of-new-cte-pathways-the-right-move>  on the Regents's announcement with links to the draft language and supporting material. Public comments can be submitted to Cosimo Tangorra, Jr., Deputy Commissioner, State Education Department, Office of P-12 Education, State Education Building, 2M West, 89 Washington Ave., Albany, NY 12234, (518) 474-5520, email: NYSEDP12@mail.nysed.gov.

NYSUT has said the proposed pathways would allow all students to graduate by demonstrating they have a strong, core academic background, as well as the knowledge, skills and coursework in CTE or other areas to apply their interests to industry-related jobs in their chosen fields.

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