Webmaster:  Betty Jayne Volpe, bjvolpe@optonline.net

Congress is back in Washington

Congress is back in Washington this week and negotiations are under way right now to reduce the federal deficit.  Retirees need to act now and in a loud voice to tell Congress not to balance the budget on the backs of retirees who have earned their guaranteed benefits after a lifetime of hard work.

Please click here to send a letter to your U.S. Senators and Representative today.

Social Security has not added one penny to the deficit.  Medicare and Medicaid have also improved the lives of millions of Americans of all ages.  These vital programs have not caused the deficit the country faces.  Instead, reckless tax cuts and loopholes for the wealthiest and greedy Wall Street behavior have. It’s time for us to tell Congress hands off on Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.  Make those who caused the deficit pay for it.

Click here to send a letter to your U.S. Senators and Representative today. 
 They need to hear from you and thousands of other retirees as soon as possible.  Together we can create one loud voice to preserve Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid for our own and future generations.

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