Webmaster:  Betty Jayne Volpe, bjvolpe@optonline.net

Iannuzzi Pushes Governor's Panel

President Dick Iannuzzi urged Gov. Cuomo's Common Core panel to get down to serious business. "Now that the governor's panel is under way, it is imperative for it to conclude its work swiftly," he said. "The clock continues to tick away the time until another battery of inappropriate Common Core tests will be imposed on anxious and stressed students, parents and teachers." And in a letter published in today's New York Times, Iannuzzi rebutted a Times editorial that suggested there's little need for concern about the state's use of standardized tests. "You dismiss these concerns because only 1 percent of teachers were rated ineffective," Iannuzzi writes in reiterating NYSUT's call for a moratorium. "But if the tests are flawed, the results are flawed, regardless of how few teachers or students are harmed."

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